Brief Introduction About Chinese Peking Opera

----- Sheng (Lao Sheng, Xiao Sheng, Wu Sheng): Main Male Role. Lao Sheng is a dignified older role, have a gentle and cultivated disposition and wear sensible. Young male characters are known as Xiao Sheng, they sing in a high, shrill voice with occasional breaks to represent the voice changing period of adolescence. Wu Sheng is a martial character for roles involving combat, they are highly trained in acrobatics, and have a natural voice when singing.
----- Dan (Qing Yi, Wu Dan, Lao Dan, Hua Dan): Main Female Role. Virtuous and elite women were Qing Yi , martial women were Wu Dan , old women were Lao Dan , vivacious and unmarried women were Hua Dan .
----- Jing: Painted Faced Male. Depending on the repertoire of the particular troupe, he will play either primary or secondary roles. This type of role will entail a forceful character, so a Jing must have a strong voice and be able to exaggerate gestures.
----- Chou (Wen Chou, Wu Chou): Clown, Male or Female. The Character usually plays secondly roles in a troupe. Indeed, most studies of Beijing opera classify the Chou as a minor role. Chou roles can be divided into Wen Chou, civilian roles such as merchants and jailers, and Wu Chou , minor military roles.
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