Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
Regal Lion Dance Silver & Hetian Jade Jewelry - Symbol of Prosperity and Protection
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴
豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴

豪奢な獅子舞のシルバーと和天翡翠のジュエリー - 繁栄と保護の象徴

  • 絶妙な伝統的なデザイン: 当社のジュエリーは伝統的な獅子舞に敬意を表し、その鮮やかな色彩と細心の注意を払った職人技を細部まで表現しています。これは単なる装飾品ではなく、ライオンの優雅さと力強さと女性らしさの繊細な美しさを組み合わせた強力なシンボルであり、文化的重要性と縁起の良い意味に富んだ豪華なアクセサリーを提供します。
  • プレミアムな素材と職人技: 当社の装飾品の本体には、伝統的な七宝焼エナメル技術を使用して S925 スターリング シルバーにセットされた、貴重な賀天翡翠と天然真珠が特徴です。この素材と職人の専門知識の融合により、最高の品質基準にふさわしい、贅沢さと優雅さを醸し出す作品が完成します。
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Elegant Design for the Modern Woman

Tailored for those who cherish artistry and elegance, this jewelry set merges the opulence of Chinese cultural heritage with contemporary craftsmanship. A true statement piece for any occasion.

Luxurious Materials with Rich Symbolism

Pure Silver, A radiant and durable foundation, this precious metal enhances the vibrant details and creates a lasting impression.

Hetian Jade, Revered for its cultural and aesthetic value, the intricately inlaid jade adds sophistication and an air of luxury.

White Shell Beads, These delicate accents provide a subtle sparkle, enhancing the jade's beauty and drawing attention to the remarkable craftsmanship.

Cultural Depth and Artistic Mastery

Featuring traditional Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Artistry, the jewelry boasts vivid, intricate patterns that harmonize with silver, jade, and shell bead elements.

The design centers around a stunning lion dance motif, a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune. This iconic imagery celebrates the wearer’s appreciation for art and cultural heritage.



Brand: C & P Yomkey

Country Of Origin: China

Each Item Weight: 0.01 kg (0.02 Pound/0.35 Ounces)


Main: Pure Silver

Accessories: Hetian Jade & White Shell Beads


Earring Length: 2 cm (0.79’)

Ring Diameter: 2 cm (0.79’)

Bracelet Length: 10 cm (3.90’)

Necklace Length: 25 cm (9.84’)


Attractive Material

Exquisite Craft

Artistic and Aesthetic

Rooted in Tradition, Designed for Today

The lion dance, originating in China’s Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), represents prosperity, happiness, and protection. This jewelry piece honors this rich tradition, turning a symbol of cultural pride into wearable art.strength.

Read more now !

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