Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
독특한 꽃무늬 자수가 돋보이는 예술적인 대형 캔버스 백팩
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
독특한 꽃무늬 자수가 돋보이는 예술적인 대형 캔버스 백팩
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
Artistic Large Canvas Backpack with Unique Floral Embroideries
독특한 꽃무늬 자수가 돋보이는 예술적인 대형 캔버스 백팩

독특한 꽃무늬 자수가 돋보이는 예술적인 대형 캔버스 백팩


저희 대형 캔버스 백팩은 편안함, 내구성, 예술적 표현을 하나의 세련된 패키지에 결합했습니다. 친환경 패션을 중시하는 현대 여성에게 딱 맞는 이 백팩은 각각 고유한 상징적 의미를 지닌 다양한 꽃을 정교하게 자수로 장식하여 어떤 상황에서도 눈에 띄는 액세서리가 됩니다.

  • 가벼움과 부드러움으로 최고의 편안함: 캔버스 백팩은 일상의 편안함을 위해 디자인되었습니다. 비슷한 가죽 가방에 비해 무게가 절반 이상 나가며, 부드럽고 유연한 질감을 제공하여 들고다니는 즐거움을 선사합니다. 접이식 디자인으로 보관이 용이하여 매일 사용하기에 탁월한 선택입니다.
  • 내구성이 뛰어나고 유지 관리가 적음: 캔버스 백팩은 최소한의 관리와 주의가 필요하도록 오래도록 제작되었습니다. 더러워지면 세탁기에 넣기만 하면 빠르고 쉽게 청소할 수 있습니다. 견고한 구조로 인해 세련된 매력을 유지하면서 일상적인 사용에도 견딜 수 있습니다.
  • 친환경 캔버스 소재: 천연 면 섬유로 제작된 저희 백팩은 환경 친화적인 선택입니다. 면은 재생 가능한 생분해성 소재로, 목적을 달성한 후에는 자연 환경에서 재활용되거나 분해되어 환경 오염을 줄일 수 있습니다.
  • 상징적인 의미를 지닌 독특한 예술적 자수: 각 백팩은 절묘한 자수 장인정신을 선보이며 의상에 예술적 감각을 더해줍니다. 꽃무늬는 심미적인 아름다움뿐만 아니라 꽃말에서도 독특한 상징적 의미를 담고 있습니다. 이러한 복잡한 디자인은 각 배낭을 기능적인 품목일 뿐만 아니라 이야기를 전달하는 착용 가능한 예술 작품으로 만듭니다.



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How People Often Carry Backpack: Traditional Two-Strap Method

This is the most common method of wearing a backpack. The user slips both arms through the straps so that the pack rests evenly on their back. This style is visually appealing and generally comfortable.

How People Often Carry Backpack: Single-Strap Style

This method involves slinging one strap over one shoulder while the backpack rests on the opposite hip. This style adds a sense of casualness and nonchalance in the wearer's appearance. 

How People Often Carry Backpack: Chest Rig Style

In this style, the backpack straps are buckled together in the front of the chest, with the bag resting on the chest, rather than the back. This style is functional and fashionable, adding a unique urban or tactical flair. It can be particularly comfortable for those carrying a lighter load, as it evenly distributes the weight across the chest.

How People Often Carry Backpack: Lifting style

This style has a single opening at the top of the backpack, which makes it easy to access your belongings.



Brand: C & P Yomkey

Country Of Origin: China

Weight: 0.425 kg (0.94 Pound/15 Ounces)


Fabric: Linen

Lining: Canvas


Length: 30cm (11.81’)

Width: 10cm (3.94’)

Height: 35cm (13.78’)


Nimble and Tenacious

Chinese Embroidery

Zippered Pockets

Craft Features

Chinese Embroidery has several advantages as a product:

1. Unique and Personalized: Each embroidered piece is unique and one-of-a-kind, making it a special and personalized item.

2. Artistic expression: Embroidery allows for artistic expression and creativity, as each stitch can be tailored to create a specific effect or design.

3. Versatility: Embroidery can be done on a wide range of materials, from clothing and accessories to home decor items, making it a versatile product.

4. Sustainable and eco-friendly: Embroidery is often done using natural materials and can be a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to mass-produced, machine-made products.

"Beautiful quality and design. It was the perfect choice to be a gift for a special one"


"The customer service is fantastic. I'm looking forward to my next jewelry purchase"


"I love the jewelry here. It is so different to anything I can get in my place"


More than just patterns!

1. Orchid Pattern is known as the mascot of love, it symbolizes as noble and elegant, firm and virtuous, noble and beautiful, elegant and clean.

2. Pear Flower Pattern is white without any spots and stripes, pure without impurities, it symbolizes as pure love, and also means never being separated with lover.

3. Morning Glory Pattern is one kind of tenacious flower, it symbolizes as strong vitality, also should be calm and cherish love, and full of an indomitable spirit.

4. Plum Blossom Pattern is one kind of strong cold resistance flower, it symbolizes as being a leader and be tenacious, a haughty beauty, also means all the good things.

Read more now

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